Woman born with two wombs falls into labour every time she menstruates

A 23-year-old British woman, Sophie Loader, is
suffering from a rare condition that makes her go
into labour each month during her menstruation.
The woman who was born with two wombs
endures the pains for at least 72 hours when it
Loader was born with uterus bicornis, a condition
that fills her second womb with blood –
mimicking a full-term baby. The only way she
can cope with the pain is through breathing
exercises, Mirror UK, reports.
“I’ve been in labour more than 100 times, but
only once for real. To say that it’s a pain would
be an understatement.
“It might shock women to hear I have been in
labour more than one hundred times. When I was
13 and the contractions started, I had never felt
pain like it and couldn’t understand what was
happening to me, it was terrifying – even the
doctor thought I might be pregnant.
“When I had my son, Chase, I was drugged but I
can’t compare the pain of real labour to my fake
contractions. But I wouldn’t wish this on any
woman. One labour is more than enough.
“I was hospitalised more than 30 times because I
couldn’t cope with the symptoms. Each time
they would give me gas and air to control the
pain. In the end, all doctors could do was teach
me how to control my contractions using
breathing exercises that real women in labour
use,” she said.
After the birth, Sophie had the contraceptive
implant fitted and now only goes into ‘fake
labour’ once every three months.
